The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380
Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788



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$500 and Publication in Doll World


 Judy Conroy, Allen, Washington


$250 and Publication in Doll World


Grace Van Doren, Fort Bragg, California


$125 and Publication in Doll World


 Saundra Mitchell, Indianapolis, Indiana


Publication in Doll World


Jan Bionde, Dallas, Texas

Tara Ballantyne, Mission, British Columbia

Deborah Bigness, Tampa, Florida

Connie Marie Cheney, Monrovia, California

Colleen Madonna Flood Williams, Homer, Alaska

Mei Yee Steele, Twentynine Palms, California



The "Laura Emeline Poetry Contest Guidelines"

     In a flat above the Lawton Emporium, lives a young girl named, "Laura Emeline."  When night falls and the dress shop doors are locked, Laura escapes into a world of play. A whole realm of make-believe comes to life for Laura when she tiptoes downstairs to see the exquisite dresses, finger the delicate fabrics and pretend�

     Once again, Wendy Lawton begins another story with her nine-inch wood and porcelain limited edition doll Laura Emeline.  This time, however, she invites you to help her continue the tale through the language of poetry.

     The Lawton Doll Company and Doll World magazine are proud to announce the 2001 Laura Emeline Poetry Contest and invite you to submit a rhyming or non-rhyming poem in our poetry contest.



    This contest is open to both published and unpublished poets.  We ask
that the poems not exceed 32 lines.   One entry per person.   All submissions must be postmarked by September 4, 2001 and sent to:

The Lawton Doll Company
P.O. Box 969
Turlock, CA 95381

    Please include your name, address, and phone number on your submission.  Please do not send your only copy.  Submissions
cannot be returned.  The Lawton Doll Company reserves the right to reprint winning entries in the Lawton Guild Quarterly.

Notification and Publication  

     Winners will be announced and published in the April, 2002 issue of Doll World.  In addition, winners will be notified by either mail or phone.


    Entries are judged on the basis of characterization and artistic
quality.  A panel of qualified judges will read every entry.  All decisions
of the judges are final.

     Contestants are asked to refer to photos of Laura Emeline along with the clothes and accessories offered in The Lawton Emporium.  To see Laura Emeline you can request a catalog by writing to 

The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380

or visit

Please address any questions regarding our contests to [email protected]

     Employees of The Lawton Doll Company and House of White Birches are not eligible to enter.

The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380
Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788

email: [email protected]