The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380
Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788




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     Wendy Lawton amassed a substantial body of work in the almost twenty years  she has been creating original porcelain dolls. Her company, The Lawton Doll Company has, to date, issued more than 200 original editions. Perhaps most surprising of all, collectors can't seem to get enough. Year after year, collection after collection the dolls sell out.

     Wendy Lawton's work has garnered an impressive array of awards. In past years, Lawton dolls have been nominated for 61 industry awards, winning the coveted DOTY nine times and the Dolls Award of Excellence three times. For 1999, two dolls, designed by Wendy Lawton, have been nominated for DOTY Awards and one for Dolls Award of Excellence.

     But dolls are more than just Wendy Lawton's profession. Wendy cannot remember a time when dolls were not a significant part of her life. Her best childhood memories are highlighted by dolls. Wendy's passion for dolls continues to this day, so she readily understands their appeal to collectors, "Remember the delicious expectation of Christmas?" Wendy asks. "Or counting and recounting the coins in your piggy bank in anticipation of finally having enough to buy that long-awaited treasure? Much of the magic of childhood is rekindled in these kinds of experiences. We recapture some of that enchantment with our collecting."

     Lawton Dolls, created painstakingly in the California workshops, are limited in number and highly prized by collectors. Wendy Lawton is also known for creating dolls in an affordable price range. She created dolls for the Ashton-Drake Galleries for a number of years before launching Lawton's own Gallery Editionsdolls designed by Wendy Lawton and imported from the Pacific Rim. "It's a pleasure to be able to make the dolls more affordable, while retaining every intricate detail," Wendy says. The Gallery Editions were launched on QVCa television shopping networkand had a near sell-out. Wendy will continue to create dolls for the connoisseur collector as well as for the doll lover.

     Wendy Lawton plans to make dolls for many years to come. "Because the dolls represent humanness they seem to link us to one another," Wendy says. "A real bond develops between artist and collectorI can't think of anything I'd rather do."




Above, Wendy Lawton receives the DOTY Award. 

Above, Wendy, second from left, plays dolls with her sisters and brother.

Below, Wendy, right, shares a moment of make believe with her sister.

The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380
Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788

email: [email protected]