The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380

Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788



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2002 Collectors Guild


     The Lawton Collector's Guild was chartered in 1989 to provide Lawton doll enthusiasts with rich background information about the dolls, the artist and the company. It's your source for the most up-to-the-minute news of Lawton issues and editions.

        Membership is $50.00 annually. Members will receive a membership card, the annual Guild gift (for 2002, it's the 4" Mini Mannequin, a hand-painted porcelain head on a carved wooden torso with jointed wooden arms on a wooden mannequin cage skirt form), the 2002 limited edition cloisonn� pin, a complete set of Lawton Connoisseur Collection Postcards, a subscription to the Lawton Collectors Guild Quarterly, and the opportunity to buy the members-only doll, Haute Couture.

       If you are interested in joining the Lawton Collectors Guild, please complete the Membership Application at the bottom of the page, contact The Lawton Doll Company at (209) 632-3655 or contact your Lawton dealer.


Guild Doll 

Haute Couture �2002

2002 Lawton Collectors Guild Exclusive

Available only until December 31, 2002



     Ready to be dressed by the finest couturiers in the country, this uniquely poseable 14" spring-jointed, wooden-bodied doll comes with a dress form and three patterns. She's dressed in a delicate cotton shift and drawers trimmed with French sewn details including insert lace, gathered flounces and embroidery couching.  To keep her trim figure, she wears an outside lace-up corset. Made exclusively for 2002 Lawton Collectors Guild Members. 

14" Porcelain and Wood
Faux Marble Dress Form
Guild Members-Only Doll


     The Lawton Collectors Guild Chartered in 1989, The Lawton Collectors Guild has been the source of information and inspiration for Lawton Collectors for eleven years. Membership is $50.00 and includes the following:

  • Membership Card

  • 4" Mini Mannequin Doll

  • Mini Mannequin Doll Cloisonn� Membership Pin

  • Four issues of The Lawton Collectors Guild Quarterly

  • The opportunity to buy the Lawton Collector's Guild Exclusive- Haute Couture

Guild Gift

Free with Guild Membership

     Like the exquisite dressmaker's mannequins of more than a century ago, the Mini Mannequin can be draped in fabric to represent the full size fashions of the day.  These tiny mannequins were sent around the world as ambassadors of haute couture - of the highest fashion.  Relive those days in miniature.

     A hand-painted porcelain head on a carved wooden torso with jointed wooden arms on a wooden mannequin cage skirt form.


Membership Application

     To join, please fill out the following information, enclosing either credit card information or a check for $50.00 made payable to "Lawton Collector's Guild" and send it to:

The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380

Please enroll me as a NEW member for $50.00 for one year  

Please renew my membership for $50.00 for one year:

Guild # For Renewal Only

Method of payment:

Credit Card #   

Expiration Date



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For any further questions about the Guild call:

The Lawton Doll Company
(209) 632-3655

Or e-mail:
[email protected]

The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380
Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788

email: [email protected]