The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380

Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788



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The Dreamer
Treasured Tales

Edition of 500 

Retail Price $395

      The tale has been told over and over and yet we never tire of hearing it again. The story comes to us from the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. It is the story of Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob. Because Jacob loved Joseph's mother more than all others, he openly favored Joseph, even to the point of gifting him with the most lavish and rare of garments--a coat of many colors. This--along with Joseph's ability to discern the hidden, and quite often disturbing, meaning of dreams--caused his brothers to burn with envy. They plotted to kill him, only at the last moment deciding more profit could be had from selling him into slavery. The story of how Joseph matures from the spoiled favorite son to a careful, prudent leader of Egypt is filled with adventure and wonder. In the end, he meets with his brothers in Egypt and after discerning their regret, he forgives them and is reunited with his family once again. 

    The Dreamer has come to life in this 14" all-porcelain version, issued by The Lawton Doll Company in the Treasured Tales Collection. The Dreamer is dressed in his coat of many colors, worn over an under-garment made of coarsely woven cotton. His handmade leather sandals lace up to his knee. He carries the sheaf of wheat he envisioned in the dream that foreshadowed the story.

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 # Made






The Dreamer









The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380
Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788

email: [email protected]