The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380

Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788




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Hands Across the World

     This group of dolls was made for a McDonalds Collection by Ashton-Drake Galleries, but the project was eventually abandoned. One prototype set was auction for Ronald McDonald House and brought $10,000. Because the collection was never produced that group became a one-of-a-kind set and is now in a private collection.









Prototype for Ashton Drake Galleries

Never produced









Valentines Day

Prototype for Ashton Drake Galleries

Never produced










Mother's Day

Prototype for Ashton Drake Galleries

Never produced










Prototype for Ashton Drake Galleries

Never produced





Christmas #1

Prototype for Ashton Drake Galleries

Never produced







Christmas #2

Prototype for Ashton Drake Galleries

Never produced









Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid Version 1

Prototype for Ashton Drake Galleries

Never produced











Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid Version 2

Prototype for Ashton Drake Galleries

Never produced






Red Riding Hood

Prototype for a Lawton's Teddy Bear

Never Produced










Prototype for a Lawton's Teddy Bear

Never Produced






Prototype for a Lawton's Lifesize doll

Never Produced



Little Women

Prototype set for Lawton's

        Designed but never made in an edition due to production problems with the body. One set was made and sold to Harrods in London.

The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380
Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788

email: [email protected]