The Lawton Doll
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�This web site
designed by
of the Faith� Collection
Collectors know
Wendy Lawton as a doll maker, but she's spent many years
crafting words as well. A
much-published writer of magazine articles, Lawton 's
very first middle grade juvenile fiction series was
released from Moody Press (Chicago) in April 2002. Wendy Lawton's mission statement has long been "To tell
stories with porcelain and paint pictures with
In Daughters of the Faith, she deftly combines art
with the written word.
"Mary Bunyan and Harriet Tubman, the real life girls
who've formed the centerpiece of these stories, come
alive as dolls," says Wendy Lawton. "I'm excited
about telling their stories in both porcelain and
To order her
books visit the Daughter's of Faith�
Book Series section of Lawton's
On-line Store.
Daughters of
Faith Dolls�
are only available through Lawton Dealers. Find
a dealer near you.
Almost Home
Doll: 14� Porcelain head and
hands on a hand-carved, spring-jointed wooden body
Edition Limited to 250 dolls
Retail $795.00
Order books through
On-line Store
This faithful
depiction of Mary Chilton, a young passenger on the Mayflower�and
the main character of Wendy Lawton�s newest book, �brings history to life in this historically accurate
14� wood and porcelain doll, sculpted and designed by
Wendy Lawton. Autographed
book, barrel and oilcloth-covered bundle included.
Mary Chilton was 13-years old when the Mayflower
left England to set sail for the New World.
The book tells of her yearning to belong�to
finally find a home. �In sculpting Mary, I tried to infuse that same yearning
into her face,� says Lawton. �C. S. Lewis called
that yearning, sehnsucht.
He characterized it as an almost inconsolable
longing for a time or place.
Lewis came to understand that it was actually a
yearning for God. Mary
learned the same lesson.
The 14"
doll has a porcelain head and hands on a hand carved
spring-jointed wooden body and sits atop a seaworthy
wooden barrel holding her sister's oilcloth-wrapped
gift. She
has soft blond curls of fine mohair.
Her clothes are historically authentic right down
to the leather waistcoat. �People picture the Pilgrims
in the black and white costumes usually depicted,�
says Lawton, �But historical fashion scholars have
proven that their clothes were often colorful and
resembled Dutch and English yeomen clothing of the
day.� An
autographed copy of the book is included.
an autographed copy of book: Almost Home, A
Story Based on the Life of the Mayflower's Mary Chilton by
Wendy Lawton
The Tinker's
Daughter� 2002
11" Porcelain
Limited to 350
Retail $695.00
Order books
through Lawton's
On-line Store
Mary Bunyan, the blind daughter of Pilgrim's
Progress author John Bunyan, knew no barriers.
History remembers that every day the 10-year-old
walked the streets of Bedford to take soup to her
imprisoned father. The indomitable
spirit of young Mary is captured in this doll.
She's dressed in authentic 17th century costume and
wears the leather pocket in which she's tucked her
Mama's soft blue ribbon and a bit of rosemary to
ward off the foul odors of gaol. An autographed copy
of the book is included.
an autographed copy of
book: The Tinker's Daughter: A Story
Based on the Life of Mary Bunyan by Wendy Lawton
Courage to
11" Porcelain
Limited to 350
Retail $695.00
Order books through
On-line Store
Harriet Tubman epitomizes heroism for her life work in
the Underground Railroad, but Courage to Run by
Wendy Lawton is the story of her girlhood when faith
was born. and courage discovered. She wears a
homespun, patched dress, tattered straw hat and much
worn work boots. She carries her treasure, the
quilt made for her by Old Rit. An autographed copy of
the book is included.
Order an
autographed copy of book: Courage to Run: A Story Based on
the Life of Harriet Tubman by Wendy Lawton
11" Porcelain
Limited to 50
Retail $695.00
Order books through
On-line Store
Ransom�s Mark
recounts the story of thirteen-year-old Olive Oatman�s
journey west by wagon train. Renegade Yavapais
capture Olive and her sister in 1851 after the massacre
of their family. A year later the Mohaves rescue
the sisters and tattoo them with the mark of ransom.
The cruelty of Olive�s early captivity and the death
of her sister from starvation bring Olive to the edge of
despair before she discovers what ransom really means.
Order an
autographed copy of book: Ransom's Mark: A Story Based on
the Life of Olive Oatman by Wendy Lawton
Hallelujah Lass
Daughters of the Faith
14� porcelain and wood lady
Edition limited to 175
Retail $695.00
Order books through
On-line Store
One hundred and twenty-five years ago,
teenager, Eliza Shirley � a Hallelujah Lass, as they were called in
England � single-handedly started the Salvation Army in America. The story is told in Wendy Lawton�s book, The Hallelujah Lass. Eliza is dressed in the navy wool serge precursor to the famous Salvation Army uniform and bonnet. Eliza has strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. An autographed copy of the book is included.
Order an
autographed copy of book: The Hallelujah
Lass: A Story Based on
the Life of Eliza Shirley by Wendy Lawton