The Lawton Doll Company
Connoisseur Collection 2000

     The Lawton Connoisseur Collection, created for the advanced Lawton collector, combines the ultimate in concept and execution. These editions are handcrafted in the Lawton workshops in Turlock, California. With smaller edition sizes, the dolls are more strictly limited than ever before.

     Making exquisite dolls for the most discriminating collector is nothing new, however. In 1979, Wendy Lawton began creating original porcelain dolls. The Lawton Doll Company became a major force in the doll industry in the early eighties. Over the years, Lawton dolls have garnered an impressive collection of awards. Nominated for more than 60 industry awards, Lawton dolls have won the prestigious DOTY award nine times, and the Dolls of Excellence Award three.


Fables and Folktales Collection



12" Porcelain and Wood

Edition limited to 225

     One of the historic versions of the classic Cinderella tale, Tattercoats tells the story of the young girl who transcends her father's bitterness and her own outward tatters to win the love of the prince.



The Red Shoes

12" Porcelain and Wood

Edition limited to 225

     The Red Shoes is the Hans Christian Andersen story of the girl who wanted red shoes above all else. When the shoes were placed on her feet, she could not stop dancing. It wasn't long until she learned that the things we most desire are often not what they seem.


Merely Me Collection

Only Olivia

9" Porcelain and Wood

Edition limited to 250 dolls

     Full of life despite her petite size, Only Olivia is ready to acompany you on your journeys or join your family of dolls. All clothing and accessories pictured on pages 4 and 5 fit Olivia.



Classic Literature Collection

Jane Austen's Emma

18" Porcelain and Wood

Edition limited to 175 dolls

     The irrepressible matchmaker comes alive in this porcelain and wood portrait. Dressed in sprigged pelisse over a blue silk frock, Emma is a picture perfect Austen heroine.



Annual Christmas Doll


Trinkets and Poppets

14" Porcelain

Edition limited to 175 dolls

     Her tray filled with Christmas wares, Trinkets and Poppets, celebrates those children who hawked their wares on many a London street. Peddler Dolls have been around for hundreds of years. Lawtons is proud to add our version to this traditional genre.


Store Exclusives

Connoisseur Collection

Elizabeth Hill

2000 Store Exclusive for Toy Village

14" Porcelain and Wood

Edition limited to 100 dolls


Travel 2000 Collection

September Sojourn

9" Porcelain and Wood

Guild Members-Only Doll

     Small enough to be tucked into a drawer or suitcase, yet exciting enough to be the centerpiece of a whole collection-September Sojourn is the doll created exclusively for Guild members. It is available only until December 31, 2000.


Guild Gift

Tiny Travel Doll

3" wooden

Free with Guild Membership


     The perfect doll for your Travel Doll. She is a miniature hand-carved peg-jointed wooden doll who comes in a pasteboard, excelsior-cushioned travel box.


Travel Doll Accessories

Travel 2000 Trunk
Leather, Canvas and Wood



TC-A Embroidered lawn dropwaist


TC-B Navy stripe double-breasted
day dress


TC-C Blue silk
party frock


TC-D Embroidered corduroy suit

TC-E Pink smocked cotton dress





Two-Button Boot
TC-1 Black
TC-2 Bone

Mary Jane
TC-3 Black
TC-4 Bone
TC-5 White
TC-6 PinkT-Strap
TC-11 Red
TC-12 Black

Tie Shoe
TC-7 Wine
TC-8 Navy

Ankle Tie
TC-9 White
TC-10 Red

Classic Playthings Collection


Bertha and her Baby Doll

14" porcelain

Edition limited to 250 dolls

     Bertha is proud of her baby doll. Almost the size of a real baby, her doll is made of a composition material that seems revolutionary in the modern 1920s. Bertha can sense that she is standing at the edge of a whole new era.


Masquerade Collection


14" Porcelain and Wood

Edition limited to 250 dolls

     The traditional French Harlequin is exquisitely costumed in appliqued silk and gilt. His jointed body allows him to posture and pose to his heart's content.



Lawton Library Series

Secret Garden

Doll: 9" Porcelain and Wood

Book Trunk: 11 x 8 x 2 1/2"

Edition limited to 175 dolls

     A secret awaits the collector who opens the cover of this leather book to find the story of The Secret Garden unfolding in a 9" doll of Mary Lennox. Mary's garden tool set, a warm coat, a robin's nest, a basket of flowers and the treasured key to the secret garden are all tucked inside.


Anne of Green Gables™
(at the Station)

Porcelain and Wood 14"

Edition limited to 350 dolls


     The vulnerability of the courageous orphan, waiting at the Bright River station for Matthew Cuthbert, inspired this new edition of an old favorite. Seated on the wooden bench, clutching her broken carpetbag, Anne is dressed in her "snuffy" brown dress with patches on her elbows and an oft let down hem.

"Anne of Green Gables" is a trademark and a Canadian official mark of the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority, Inc.

Early American Portraits Collection

Clarissa Fields and Bangwell Putt

Clarissa: 16" Porcelain and Wood
Bangwell Putt: 3" Cloth, Leather and Wood
Chair: Wood, handmade by Riverbend Chair Company of Ohio

Edition limited to 175 dolls

     More than 225 years ago, a blind girl named Clarissa Fields was given a rag doll she named Bangwell Putt. Little did she know that her doll would be carefully tended by her descendants and finally gifted to Memorial Hall Museum. The poems young Clarissa dictated to her sister are still pinned to the doll's slip. Bangwell Putt is now the oldest extant rag doll in
America. It is to Clarissa's memory that we dedicate our version of Clarissa Fields and Bangwell Putt.

Bangwell Putt is used with permission from Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Memorial Hall Museum, Deerfield, Massachusetts.