Archived Collections- One-of-a-Kind


AmeliaOne-of-a-Kind Made Exclusively for the 1989 Walt Disney World Showcase of Dolls Convention & Auction

In finest turn-of-the-century tradition, Amelia has carefully packed all of her "essentials" and is excitedly awaiting her first Grand Tour. Lawtons commissioned Mike Johnson, the finest cabinet maker in our valley, to create a spectacular trunk for Amelia. We were not disappointed. Mike chose red oak and carefully matched the grains, using a cross grain for added detail. The curved top adds an authentic touch. All of the inside drawers were carefully fitted for smooth movement. The brass hinges and lock were matched into the wood so that nothing would show from the outside, save the keyhole and key. Our dressmakers executed Amelia's custom fashions with flawless precision.

Included in her wardrobe are the following:

    -A mauve wool coat and hat trimmed with sliver fur and French ribbon.

    -A soft white voile nightgown and nightcap trimmed with embroidery and lace.

    -A school dress of red tartan with a snowy white bib front trimmed in delicate embroidered eyelet imported from Switzerland.

    -A black straw hat topped with shiny red apples and ribbons completes the outfit.

    -A flounced afternoon dress of delicate, baby blue, dotted Swiss cotton imported from Switzerland with a matching white hair bow.

    -A party dress of pink voile, topped with a pinafore of embroidered organdy.

    -A traveling dress of apple green cotton in a charming drop-waist style with leg-o-mutton sleeves and a bertha trimmed with Swiss embroidered eyelet. Her matching bonnet is trimmed with delicate porcelain roses.

Among some of the perfectly scaled accessories that Amelia has carefully packed into her trunk are the following:

    -A 5" cloth doll completely hand-painted, signed and dated by Wendy.

    -A 5" golden mohair teddy bear, completely jointed, made by Linda Spiegel.

    -A wicker basket filled with tiny hand-spun, hand wound skeins of wool.

    -A wooden nutcracker and three Christmas books.

    -One pair of handmade black kid boots.

    -One pair of handmade white kid French strap shoes.

    -One pair of handmade brown leather oxfords.

    -A tiny cameo on a black ribbon necklace.

Goldilocks and Baby Bear

Goldilocks3One-of-a-Kind Set Made Exclusively for the 1990 Walt Disney World Showcase of Dolls Convention & Auction

Goldilocks and Baby Bear captures a moment of awakening when the heedless Goldilocks sees Baby Bear mournfully surveying his empty bowl--a moment when she begins to realize the havoc her thoughtless intrusion may have inflicted. Goldilocks is 14", all-porcelain. Her eyes are sparkling blue, hand-blown, lead crystal paperweights imported from England. Her golden locks are of hand tied English mohair. She wears a frock of appliqu�d Swiss batiste and hand-cobbled kid leather shoes. She still carries the basket of mushrooms she collected off the forest floor, just before her precipitous trespass.

Baby Bear, slightly smaller than Goldilocks, was sculpted of porcelain and then painstakingly covered in brown caracul. He is string jointed at the neck, arms and legs. He wears a leather vest, hand painted by Wendy, a leather oak leaf cap and carries his empty Rowe Pottery porridge bowl.

Felicity Minds the Quints

One-of-a-Kind Made Exclusively for the 1991 Walt Disney World Showcase of Dolls Convention & Auction

The Quints, although as cute as they may be, have been shamelessly spoiled and prove to be more than a handful for the exasperated Felicity. Felicity is dressed in a snowy white, drop-waist dress of honeycomb-embroidered Swiss cotton batiste with an inset bodice of imported cotton pique. She wears matching kid slippers. She has delicate blonde mohair curls and sparkling blue-grey lead crystal paperweight eyes.

The Quints can only be distinguished by their color-keyed ensembles. The bare bears were made for Lawtons by Linda Spiegel Lohre. Wendy designed their cunning little Swiss lace frocks, painstakingly woven with tiny silk ribbons to match their silk hairbows. The wonderful wicker perambulator was designed and handmade just for the Quints. Shamelessly spoiled... 

Little Miss Muffett

LittleMissMuffetOne-of-a-Kind Made Exclusively for the 1992 Walt Disney World Showcase of Dolls Convention and Auction

The beloved poem tells the tale, but Wendy reminds us of the emotions behind the event in her version of this oft-told nursery rhyme. Little Miss Muffet's face mirrors every shred of revulsion that we've ever felt toward spiders.

Little Miss Muffet is a one-of-a-kind sculpt, made with a unique half-porcelain/half-cloth body that allows her to assume this life-like pose. She has beautiful brown paperweight eyes and a blonde mohair wig. She wears a detailed French frock of cotton tulle, linen, Swiss embroidery and suede. She carries her crockery bowl of curds and whey along with an antique pewter salt spoon.

The spider is hand made of wood with metal legs. She is perched on a silk, upholstered tuffet. The seated height is approximately 12. 

Jack and the Beanstalk

JackOne-of-a-Kind Made Exclusively for the 1993 Teddy Bear and Doll Classic at Disneyland

The favorite fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk, is brought to life in this delightful vignette. Jack eagerly takes his first step toward adventure, shoes dangling from his trousers and a hopeful smile on his freckled face. Jack, 15" tall, of porcelain and cloth, stands on a leather book-base and climbs a beanstalk, hand-carved of hickory wood. Jack has sparkling blue paperweight eyes and brown hair. His trousers are hand-embroidered and his shoes are hand-cobbled. Overall height is 18."

Curly Locks, Curly Locks

CurlylocksOne-of-a-Kind Set Made Exclusively for the 1993 Walt Disney World Showcase of Dolls Convention & Auction

The nursery rhyme Curly Locks, Curly Locks is the subject of this one-of-a-kind doll dressed in a delicate frock of mauve faille festooned with ecru appliqu� trim. Her abundantly curly locks are tied with a ribbon of silk. She holds a water colored, illuminated copy of the rhyme and a hand carved wooden strawberry. She stands 15" tall on a leather book-base complete with her silk cushion and a hand embroidered sampler.

Sara Crewe Arrives At Miss Minchin’s

SaraCrewe One-of-a-Kind Made Exclusively for the 1994 Walt Disney World
Showcase of Dolls Convention & Auction

Sara Crewe is 16 " tall, with porcelain head and hands on a 13-joint, hand-carved, wooden body. Sara has dark brown hair and green eyes. She wears an English wool cape of hunter green over a Black Watch plaid dress with a matching Balmoral tam trimmed with a jaunty feather. On her feet are found matching leather, ankle-strap shoes.

Emily (Sara's beloved doll) is an antique 6" German All-Bisque doll marked 156 over 5, with sleep eyes, an open/closed mouth and original mohair wig. Blue Book value is approximately $450.00. Emily's trunk (7" long, 5" wide, 4" tall)

Emily's wardrobe consists of the following:

    -Mint green smocked batiste dress with blouse and panties

    -Smocked nightgown and bonnet of white batiste

    -Dusty pink smocked dress and bonnet

    -Swiss embroidered dress and blouse

Lingerie Valise (7" long, 5 1/2" wide, 3" deep)

    -Facial puff with faux ivory handle

    -One set cotton knit underwear

    -One pair brown cotton stockings

    -One pair diamond patterned stockings

    -Four pair white lisle stockings

    -Two pair ecru lisle stockings

    -One ecru full slip

    -One ecru all-in-one

    -One white all-in-one

    -One pair lace-trimmed pantalets

    -One pair eyelet-trimmed pantalets

Tea Valise (8 1/2" long, 6 1/2" wide, 3 1/2" deep)

    -Nine-piece blue and white china tea service packed in excelsior

    -Tea Time recipe book

Sara's Trunk (13 1/2" long, 9 1/2" wide, 7" tall) with handmade, pegged, oak porter's dolly

    -Stationery set with faux ivory pen and letter opener

    -Set of towels, soaps and sponge

    -Tussie Mussie with faux ivory handle

    -Handcarved, monogrammed wooden dresser set; consisting of a brush, comb and mirror

    -Jewelry consisting of one cameo brooch, one aurora bead necklace, one heart pendant on chain

    -Green cloth-covered diary

    -Photograph album

    -Five picture books

    -One pair of spectacles (for close work)

    -One crocheted, beaded evening bag with pewter handle

    -One crocheted, beaded day bag

    -Heart box

    -Suede-covered, satin-lined glove box containing a pair of white kid gloves

    -Straw bonnet trimmed with navy grosgrain

    -One pair of high-top, black leather boots

    -One pair of brown suede oxfords

    -One pair of black ankle-tie shoes

    -One pair of white rosette shoes

    -One pair of white Mary Janes

    -One pair of pumpkin-colored tie shoes

    -White cotton batiste nightgown, trimmed in eyelet

    -Matching nightcap

    -French blue sateen school dress with white cotton batiste, smocked pinafore

    -Peach cotton sateen smocked school dress

    -Black/Champagne striped silk party frock

    -Black cotton velveteen vest trimmed with applique lace

    -Sapphire blue silk party frock trimmed with black cluny lace 

Errands for Grandmother

ErrandsOne-of-a-Kind Made Exclusively for the 1995 Walt Disney World Teddy Bear and Doll Convention & Auction

Polly ventures out with her little brother, Charles, in tow, to run errands for Grandmother. Polly is 16" tall, with porcelain head and hands on a hand-carved, 13-joint wooden body. Charles is 12" tall, all-porcelain, and has a jointed baby body. Their transportation of choice is Polly's trusty tricycle wagon with the hand-woven maple handlebar basket.

Polly wears a cornflower blue, polished cotton dress with a hand-embroidered, Swiss batiste pinafore. A straw bonnet protects her peaches and cream complexion, while her pink leather Mary Jane shoes pedal tirelessly.

Charles is dressed in a buttercup yellow, hand smocked cotton romper. He wears a natural straw helmet pulled low over his blonde curls, with just a sparkle of his shy blue eyes peeking out at the world flying by. Good thing Teddy is close at hand.

Elsie Dinsmore

ElisieD One-of-a-Kind Made Exclusively for the 1996 Walt Disney World Teddy Bear and Doll Convention & Auction

Inspired by the Elsie Dinsmore classic series of books published almost a hundred years ago, Wendy Lawton has created an unforgettable portrait of the beloved Elsie. Dressed in a drop-waist dress of white on white with rows of tucks and eyelet trimming, Elsie is seated on a hand-carved wooden stool. With glasses perched on her resolute nose, Elsie is ready to enjoy the tiny one-of-a-kind hand bound book of sayings and verses from the Elsie Dinsmore Books.

Elsie has rich brown curls and hazel eyes. Elsie stands 16" tall and has porcelain head and hands on a 13-joint hand-carved wooden body. Also included is an original copy of Elsie Dinsmore, from Wendy Lawton's library, embossed with her library seal and bookplate.

The Lawton Princess

LawtonPrincess One-of-a-Kind Made Exclusively for the 1997 Walt Disney World Teddy Bear and Doll Convention & Auction.

Just the collection to capture the imagination of every doll collector--The Princess, her trousseau and her castle case seem to have materialized from the pages of a fairy tale. More than twenty-five different hand-crafted treasures make up this stunning collection, from the beautifully sculpted Princess to her three extensive ensembles and accessories. Her crenelated castle trunk is both a place to keep the collection and an exquisite one-of-a-kind piece of art. It was made of wood, then covered in canvas. Several coats of gesso were applied and then every flower, every stone, every piece of grass was painstakingly hand-painted. It's a fairy tale come to life. The Lawton Princess is 17" tall and her castle is 20" x 15 5/16"x 11 1/8".

This special one-of-a-kind includes:

Coronation Ensemble -

    -Faux Ermine Trimmed, Red Velvet Royal Robe

    -Iridescent Pearl Organza Court Dress

    -Full Slip, Pantalettes

    -Red Leather Ankle Slippers

Tudor Ballgown Ensemble -

    -Sapphire Iridescent Taffeta Ballgown

    -Burnished Gold Lame Petticoat Dress


    -Black Leather Buckle Slippers

Princess' Play Clothes -

    -White Cotton Underdress

    -Striped Polished Cotton Skirt with Lace Trimmed Apron

    -Wisteria Velveteen Waistcoat

    -White Cotton Pantalettes

    -White Leather Ankle Slippers

    -Princess' Accessories -

    -Gold and Velvet Coronation Crown

    -Golden Scepter

    -Wreathed Circlet of Field Flowers

    -Basket of Flowers from the Royal Gardens

    -Golden Dresser Set (Mirror, Brush and Comb)

    -Faux Jewel-Encrusted Fan

    -Wooden Casket filled with Royal Jewelry

    -Castle Trunk (Made of wood covered with gessoed canvas and hand-painted in Acrylic paints.)

    -Two Hand-Carved Wooden Dress Forms for Display

The Blushing Bride

BlushingBride One-of-a-Kind Made Exclusively for the1998 Walt Disney World Teddy Bear and Doll Convention & Auction

A breathtaking bridal gown of silk organza studded with pearls and intricate silk ribbon embroidery makes this bride a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. Standing 18" tall, she has arms, head and torso of porcelain on a spring-jointed wooden half body. She wears exquisitely worked undergarments and leather slippers with heels. Her cathedral length veil is trimmed in pearls.



Laurel is elegant in a ball gown of pink silk trimmed with intricate appliqu�s of wire beading. She wears hand-crocheted gloves. She stands 18" tall and has a porcelain torso and arms on a spring-jointed wooden body. She has leather shoes, and carries a feather fan. She has blue-gray eyes and brown hair.



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Phone 209 632-3655
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