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Mary Frances Sewing Book Collection |
Mary Marie - 2003 Doll: 16" Wood and Porcelain Mary Frances Sewing Book included Edition Limited to 250 Nearly ninety years ago, Mary Marie traveled all the way from San Francisco in her excelsior-packed wooden crate. She arrived at the home of Mary Frances, heroine of the famed Mary Frances how-to book series. Just like that Mary Marie, our Mary Marie comes dressed only in her Swiss batiste underwear bearing a love note from Mary Frances’ mother. The doll is ready to be completely outfitted with clothes sewn from the patterns in the Mary Frances Sewing Book that is included inside the crate. Mary Marie has luxurious mohair curls just like Mary Frances’ own Mary Marie. |
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The Lawton Doll Company
Post Office Box 1227
Hilmar, CA 95324
Phone 209 632-3655
Fax: 209 632-6788
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