Archived Collections- Connoisseur-
The Language of Flowers Collection |
Daisy - 1998 Edition of 350 Retail Price $395 Daisies symbolize innocence. Our Daisy looks at the world through wide blue eyes. She wears a dress of white covered by a daisy print pinafore trimmed in buttercup yellow piping. Daisy wears a crisp straw hat on her brown curls. Daisy is all-porcelain, 14" tall. |
Violet - 1998 Edition of 350 Retail Price $395 In the age-old language of flowers, violets always denoted modesty. With her light violet eyes and blonde curls, Violet shyly paints a demure picture. Her violet-strewn cotton frock is covered with a crisp white lace-trimmed apron. She wears a matching cap. Violet is all-porcelain, 14" tall. |
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