Archived Collections- Connoisseur

 Classic Playthings ® Collection

PatriciaPatricia and her Patsy® - 1993

Edition of 750

Retail Price $595

Patricia shyly shows off her beloved Patsy® doll. Patsy is "quite the thing" in 1930 and Patricia is proud to be Patsy's little mama. Patricia is all-porcelain, 14" tall and is dressed in a perky blueberry print dress with an embroidered pique collar, embellished with blueberry beading. She wears handmade navy leather mary janes. Patsy is a faithful replica, with the same lacquered finish of Effanbee's composition original. Patsy wears a two-tone cotton dress with matching bloomers, socks and tiny handmade mary janes. Patricia and her Patsy® are the first edition in the Classic Playthings collection. Each year, a new little mama will be issued, holding a replica of a famous doll from years past.

Patsy is a registered trademark of Effanbee Dolls, Inc. of Carteret, New Jersey. All rights reserved.

KatieKatie and her Kewpie - 1994

Edition of 750

Retail Price $595

Kewpie has almost become an American tradition. Since the very first Kewpie made its way in 1909 from the whimsical imagination of his creator, Rose O'Neill, to the pages of the leading periodicals of the day; Kewpie has delighted children of all ages. Rose O'Neill believed her Kewpie to be a kind of baby Cupid, but with a difference. "Cupid gets himself into trouble. The Kewpies get themselves out, always searching out ways to make the world better and funnier," Rose said.

Wendy Lawton has been a Kewpie collector for years. "Kewpie just seems to charm his way into your heart," Wendy warns. "Once you allow one of these tiny pixies into your collection, you soon find yourself unable to pass up any chance to add to your burgeoning Kewpieville."

How fitting that Kewpie should take his place in Lawton's Classic Playthings Collection, a collection of famous dolls from our past, along with the little child who owned them. The first doll in this series, Patricia and Her Patsy®, celebrated the classic Patsy doll of the 1930's.

The tiny composition Patsy doll was made by The Lawton Doll Company, under license from The Effanbee Doll Company, to go into the arms of the porcelain Patricia, an original sculpt by Wendy Lawton.

Katie and Her Kewpie is also being made under a license from RoseArt with permission from Jesco. Katie is 14" tall, an all-porcelain original sculpt by Wendy Lawton. Katie wears a hand-smocked frock of white cotton. Her brown curls are caught up in a red organdy ribbon. She has sparkling brown eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across her nose. Kewpie is a faithful version of the earliest Kewpies, which were made under the watchful eye of their creator, Rose O'Neill.

BessieBessie and her Bye Lo Baby - 1995

Edition of 750

Retail Price $595

Bessie proudly displays her cherished doll, the Bye Lo Baby. The Bye Lo Baby, issued in the 1920's was one of the milestone dolls of our century. Bessie has beautiful brown ringlets tied in pink ribbons, and brown eyes. She is all-porcelain and stands 14" tall.

KatherineKatherine and her Kathe Kruse Doll - 1996

Edition of 750

Retail Price $795

Katherine timidly shows off her cherished Kathe Kruse Doll. Katherine, in her frock of French lace and pin-tucked Swiss batiste, holds her precious Kathe Kruse Doll; replicated for The Lawton Doll Company by the Kathe Kruse Doll Company of Germany. The artists at Kathe Kruse worked from the 85-year-old molds of Doll I to make this perfectly scaled version, dressed in a tiny shirt, overalls and hand crocheted sweater and cap. Katherine is all-porcelain, 14" tall. Kathe Kruse is 6" long and is oil-painted papier mache head on a cotton muslin body with tiny hand-stitched fingers. Packaged individually in a Kathe Kruse box with special certificate.

Kathe Kruse Dolls - Begun in 1911, The Kathe Kruse Doll Company of Germany is celebrating their 85th year. As part of this milestone year, The Lawton Doll Company has collaborated with The Kathe Kruse Doll Company to create Katherine and her Kathe Kruse Doll. A unique offering in the world of doll collecting, Katherine and her Kathe Kruse Doll represent the best of two renowned doll companies; a project that spans the globe.

The Kathe Kruse Doll Company was begun out of a mother's desire to provide quality toys for her children. Little did she realize that 85 years later this dream would still be alive. We, at Lawtons, have always felt a kinship with the philosophy of Kathe Kruse. We are proud to be connected with The Kathe Kruse Doll Company in this small way.

“…Handwork. I have never left this principal and never will. The hand follows the heart. Only the hand can create what the hand returns to the heart. The best possible example can only be the doll.” --- Kathe Kruse

HenrietteHenriette and her Hilda - 1996

Edition of 350

Retail Price $1,395

The German firm of Kestner made some of the most acclaimed baby dolls during the period of 1890-1910, but none was more prized than Hilda. Our Henriette, proudly holds her life-sized Hilda baby doll. Henriette's drop-waist dress is carefully trimmed with lace, and she wears authentically cobbled black leather shoes. Her Hilda is exquisitely dressed in a smocked and tucked gown of imported Swiss batiste, over a lace-trimmed slip.

She wears a sateen sacque and bonnet lavishly embroidered with silk ribbons. Henriette is made of porcelain hands and head on a spring-jointed wooden body. She stands 16" tall. Hilda has a porcelain head on a composition baby body and is 8" long.

GlynnisGlynnis and her Googlie - 1997

Edition of 750

Retail Price $595

Glynnis is inordinately proud of her Googlie doll with the big brown eyes. With the dawning of the twentieth century those goo-goo-googly eyes are all the rage. Glynnis has hazel eyes and auburn hair. She is dressed in an iced aqua party dress of tissue taffeta tied with a bow of matching Swiss batiste. A Swiss batiste hairbow completes her ensemble.

Googlie, a classic doll from the second decade of this century, wears a drop-waist dress of sprigged cotton. Glynnis is all-porcelain, 14" tall. Googlie is all-porcelain, 6" tall.

GracieGracie and her Golliwogg - 1997

Edition of 750

Retail Price $595

Gracie can't think of a single toy that she enjoys more than her traditional Golliwogg. She remembers her mother reading her stories about a wooden doll and a Golliwogg when she was much younger, so now that she has a Golli of her own, he's rarely out of her sight. Gracie has black hair and hazel eyes. She wears a brightly checked cotton frock, accented with red. Gracie is all-porcelain, 14" tall. Her Golli is 5" long and is handmade in the Lawton workshops of fabric and felt.

PetraPetra and her Pinocchio - 1998

Edition of 750

Retail Price $595

Collodi's Pinocchio is the classic tale of a puppet that becomes real. The story has long been the inspiration for toys. Petra treasures her classic peg-jointed Pinocchio. Petra wears a wool suit of black and white houndstooth check, trimmed with black velvet. A black velvet cloche hat, black tights and leather button boots complete her outfit. She has brown braids and dark violet eyes.

Petra is all-porcelain, 14" tall. Pinocchio is composed of a wooden peg body and composition head and is 3" tall.

IngridIngrid and her Izannah Walker Doll - 1999

Edition of 250

Retail Price $695

Ingrid treasures her hand-painted, cloth Izannah Walker doll, taking her everywhere. Ingrid wears a striped silk dress with a guimpe-trimmed, brown velvet zoave jacket. A brown velvet feather trimmed hat and brown side buttoned shoes complete her outfit. She has auburn curls and hazel eyes.

BerthaBabyBertha and her Baby Doll - 2000

Edition of 250

Retail $695.00

Bertha is proud of her baby doll. Almost the size of a real baby, her doll is made of a composition material that seems revolutionary in the modern 1920s. Bertha can sense that she is standing at the edge of a whole new era.

MadisonMadison and her Madame Alexander® Doll - 2001

Madison: 14" Porcelain

McGuffey Ana: 7 and 1/2" Composition

Edition of 350

Retail Price $695.00



MADISONCUThere is no doll that Madison loves better than her Madame Alexander McGuffey Ana doll. The Lawton Doll Company has recreated the composition doll from an Alexander original. McGuffey Ana wears a tagged Madame Alexander hat.

Madame Alexander and McGuffey Ana are trademarks of The Alexander Doll Company and used by permission.

Winner of the 2001 Doll of the Year (DOTY) Public's Choice Awards.

NolaNola and her Nurse Doll - 2002

Nola: 14" Porcelain

Nurse Doll: 6" Composition and Cloth

Edition Limited to 250





NolalCUClassic Playthings© always features a girl with her beloved doll. During the dark days of the World War, joy comes to Nola in the form of her cloth-bodied composition nurse doll. Nola, whose name is taken from the famous WW I era song, wears a wool coat and the huge hat that marks the era. Her doll is composition and is dressed in a recreation of the famous Bluebird costume of Red Cross WW I nurses.

GabrielleGabrielle and her Greiner - 2003

Gabrielle: 14" Porcelain

The Greiner Doll: 6" Composition and Cloth

Edition Limited to 250

Classic Playthings® always features a portrait of a period child with her beloved doll. During the 1840s, every young girl longed for a papier mach� Greiner doll. Gabrielle loves her paper dolly and vows to keep her pretty forever. Gabrielle is dressed in a silk dupion dress over an eyelet shift. Her Greiner is dressed in a gauzy frock of English netting. Gabrielle wears a wig of finely wefted human hair. It’s a portrait in three dimensions.

Marie and her MarionetteMarie and her Marionette - 2004

Marie: 14” Porcelain with a composition marionette

Edition limited to 250

Marie proudly displays her French Polichinelle, fully jointed and moveable. She is dressed in a ruffled frock of iridescent peacock blue silk tissue taffeta. Her hair is a ginger color and her eyes are blue.

Kristine and her KestnerKristine and her Kestner - 2004

14” Porcelain

Edition limited to 250

Kristine treasures her turned-head, leather bodied, German Kestner dolly. Kristine is dressed in a silk jacquard and dupioni frock in shades of tobacco and gold. Her kid-bodied Kestner has a tiny mohair wig and inset glass eyes and is dressed in antique eyelet and batiste. Kristine has brown hair and gray eyes.

Noah and His ArkNoah and his Ark - 2005

14” all-porcelain

Edition limited to 175

There’s no toy Noah likes better than his wooden ark filled with animals. His favorites are the pair of crocodiles. Noah has brown hand-tied human hair and hazel eyes. He wears an English nursery suit of yellow and ecru, has cotton knitted knee-highs and brown leather shoes.

Florence2Florence and her French Beb� - 2006

14” porcelain and leather

Owning an exquisite French Beb� doll was the dream of every girl in the last decades of the nineteenth century. Florence’s closed mouth, turned head doll has a porcelain head, hands and feet on a leather body. Beb� wears a light brown mohair wig and has tiny blue glass eyes. Her couturier frock of blue dupion silk and shimmery blue crinkle silk has a matching bonnet. Knit stockings and tiny leather shoes complete the ensemble.

Florence stands 14” tall with hazel eyes and strawberry blonde hair topped with an oversized silk bow. She wears a classic summer white dress made of cotton pique trimmed with silk. (Click here for a close-up image!)

LindaandBaby2Linda and her Brand New Baby - 2006

9” all porcelain

The year is 1960 and Linda has just received the most wonderful gift. Her brand new doll is made of the softest vinyl and looks just like a real baby.

Linda has bright green eyes and a hand-tied blonde human hair wig. She’s dressed in a summery sundress of pale pink Swiss batiste, trimmed with French cotton lace. Her rumba ruffled panties match. White socks and white leather Mary Janes complete her outfit. (Click here for a close-up image!)

Linda’s perfectly scaled vinyl baby doll is reminiscent of the realistic babies that debuted in the sixties. Linda’s baby, which has a vinyl head, arms and legs on a cloth body, wears a flannel diaper, a batiste gown and a cotton knit sacque.

SallyAndHerSwaddlingBabySally and her Swaddling Baby - 2007

14“ all-porcelain body

Edition of 100


For a span of over fifty years little girls treasured their swaddling babies. Sally is no exception.

She loves her composition baby, dressed in a batiste gown and tucked into a birdseye pique swaddling.

Sally wears a dress of the palest pink silk. Her eyes are lavender blue and her hair is blonde.

(Click here for a larger image!)

Birdie and her Bluette by The Lawton Doll CompanyBirdie and her Bleuette - 2008

14“ all-porcelain body
Bleuette-- 5” porcelain head, ball-jointed compo body
Edition of 75

Birdie is delighted to be the proud owner of a Bleuette doll. She’s planning to learn to sew for her, but for now the tiny Bleuette is dressed in a classic middy and hat of red silk trimmed with white, created by Lawton’s own seamstresses.

The perfectly scaled and replicated Bleuette comes on an exquisite ball-jointed composition body. She has been made for The Lawton Doll Company by Nada Christensen and features Nada’s signature kiln-slumped glass eyes.

Birdie wears a summer pleat dress of blue and white plaid silk and a felt cloche with matching trim. Her eyes are a warm brown and her hair is light brown.



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The Lawton Doll Company
Post Office Box 1227
Hilmar, CA 95324
Phone 209 632-3655
Fax: 209 632-6788
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