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Mirette on the High Wire Porcelain and Wood 14" Edition of 750 Retail Price $650 Emily Arnold McCully created an un- forgettable character in Mirette. Her book, Mirette on the High Wire, published by G.P. Putnam & Sons, won the coveted Caldecott Award for 1993. Dressed in her signature middy of electric blue wild silk and with her carrot curls tied in a startling magenta bow, Mirette comes alive in Lawton's limited edition doll. Mirette has a porcelain head and hands on a hand-carved, spring-jointed wooden body and comes with a copy of the book autographed by the author. Mirette is used by permission of G.P. Putnam and Sons, under license from Emily Arnold McCully. All Rights Reserved. |
The Fantastic Drawings of Danielle Porcelain and Wood 14" Edition of 750 Retail Price $695 Set in turn-of-the-century Paris, The Fantastic Drawings of Danielle is a book to treasure, both for the story and for the illustrations. Danielle, the plucky hero of the story, is the perfect character for Lawton's new Children's Literature series. With brown hair and hazel eyes, Danielle is a study in subtlety. She looks like she stepped from the pages of the book in her raw silk coat of dusty plum over a dress of tobacco brown. She wears an oversized straw hat and sturdy boots. Danielle has a porcelain head and hands on a hand-carved, spring-jointed wooden body. She comes with her father's intricately crafted camera and a copy of the book autographed by the author. Danielle is used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company, under license from Barbara McClintock. All Rights Reserved. |
Mailing May All Porcelain 14" Edition of 250 Retail Price $695 Mailing May is warmly dressed for he wintery trip in a brown wool dress and a brown wool coat and hat. Woolen mittens, wooly stockings and high-button boots complete her traveling ensemble. She has a blonde bob and sparkly brown eyes. Tied to her belt is her address label and pasted on her valise is postage in the amount of 53 cents. She comes with a copy of the book autographed by the famed illustrator, Ted Rand. Based on Mailing May by Michael O'Tunnell and illustrated by Ted Rand. Published by Tambourine/Greenwillow Books. Illustration copyright 1997 by Ted Rand. |
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