The Glove Marriage of Anneke van de Lijn
1996 Special Edition

Edition of 150  

Retail Price $1,895

Ship's Manifest
Anneke van de Lijn
Dutch East Indies Company
Holland to Batavia

     Contents of Hand-Painted Wooden Dower Chest (8¼" H x 6¾" D x 6¾" W)
1. Mahogany casket containing the hand-sewn, jeweled kidskin glove
2. Three hand-carved mahogany dress forms
3. Gray silk gown
4. Separate organdy and lace collar
5. Vermillion linen skirt with batiste attached chemise
6. Deep green basqued bodice
7. Batiste night chemise
8. Cotton sateen embroidered night basque
9. Matching smocked robe de chambre

     Anneke is porcelain and wood, and stands 18" tall.

 Doll Name


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The Glove Marriage of Anneke van de Lijn***








The Merry Widow in Three Acts
1997 Special Edition

Edition of 150     

Retail Price $1,995


     While casting about for the perfect subject for our second connoisseur offering, my friend, Mark Purcell, suggested The Merry Widow. For those of you who were at the summer Lawtons Open House, Mark was the tenor who entertained at the banquet. He also played the romantic lead, Danilo, in The San Jose Lyric Opera's Merry Widow last year.

     I knew it would be the perfect doll - The Merry Widow in Three Acts. I wanted her to have the mobility of spring articulated wooden joints, so she could dance the Can-Can with ease. And her feet would have to be carved so that she could wear a heel on her shoe. I also wanted a bare porcelain neck, shoulders and arms to show off stunning gowns and jewelry. It required a whole new sculpt of upper torso and arms. The head is jointed under the chin, another first for us. Each gown had to be worthy of this Merry Widow. We decided not to count the cost. We think the result is nothing short of stunning. Here's a list of what is included with this set:

·The Merry Widow doll - porcelain and wood, 18" tall
·Three hand-carved wooden dress forms
·Batiste tucked slip
·Batiste tucked pantalets
·Padded bustle

Act I:

·Black Organza Ballgown embroidered with silk ribbons, seeded with jet beads
·Underdress of mauve bastiste
·Black feather fan
·Black leather strap heels
·Faux diamond earrings
·Faux diamond necklace
·Faux diamond tiara

Act II:

·Lavender Batiste Garden Frock trimmed in lace and ecru ribbon
·Garden hat trimmed in silk flowers and tulle
·Ecru slippers with bow trim and wooden heels
·Amethyst brooch

Act III:

·Grisette lacy underwear
·Merry Widow laced, boned corset
·Can-Can skirt trimmed with years of taffeta ruffling
·Black Can-Can stockings
·Leather lace-up high heeled Can-Can boots
·Ribbon tied enamelled rose pendant necklace
·Merry Widow Waltz gown of ivory dupion silk trimmed in ecru silk, embellished with pearl and silk embroidery.

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The Merry Widow in Three Acts***






***Nominated for a Dolls Award of Excellence


Mignonette and her
Malle du Voyage
Masterpiece Collection

 Edition of 150 

Retail Price $1,995

Porcelain and Wood 9"
Malle du Voyage 7 x 7 x 13"

      Mignonette and her Malle du Voyage was inspired by a century-old set purchased in New Orleans. The doll is a Lawton original, but each detail of the set is faithful to the antique, right down to the reproduction of the tiny toy clown and two sheep.

 Doll Name


 # Made






Migonette and Her Malle du Voyage








Norma Davies: Jazz Baby


The year is 1930. The Great Depression caught the country unaware, but the Jazz Age shimmers on. The silent screen continues to weave its magic and showcase its brightest stars - stars like Norma Davies.

Taking a peek into Norma's dressing room, we see her seated at her striking art deco vanity, clad in a skimpy antique lace teddy, gold lam� fringed peignoir and black maribou mules. Startled to see her platinum tresses we note the wig stands displaying a raven bob and an auburn wig as well. Norma winks. She's as changeable as quicksilver.

Her dress stands showcase some of the fashion art Norma is known for: a fortuny pleated gown of blush silk trimmed with antique lace; a fabulous black faux fur dolman coat and cloche hat trimmed with feathers; and her signature jazz baby lace dress encrusted with crystals and pearls. Black strappy shoes, lace and pearl shoes and her jazzy pearl and lace tiara all vie for attention.

Norma Davies: Jazz Baby takes her place among the unforgettable handful of dolls known as the Lawton Masterpiece Collection. Limited to an edition of only 99 sets, it sells for $1,995.00.


The Lawton Doll Company
548 North First Street
Turlock, CA 95380
Phone: (209) 632-3655
Fax: (209) 632-6788

email: [email protected]